Limarah Crathorne, Website Conversion Expert

3 min

How to use SEO to Improve Customer Experience (CX)

When you think of SEO, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘search traffic’.  But what about a way to improve customer experience?

While SEO remains a key focus and a priority for many marketeers, it can do a huge amount more than just drive traffic to your site.

In fact, when used right, SEO can also be a powerful tool for creating a better customer experience.

In this article, I’ll show you how you can use SEO to improve your CX.

  1. Post relevant content

  2. Write for your audience and not just for Google

  3. Use internal links to help readers discover more useful content

  4. Improve site speed

  5. Make sure it’s mobile friendly

Post Relevant Content

Content marketing is a key part of any SEO strategy and a key contributor to how your site ranks.

Without content, it’s impossible for your site to rank in search engines. It’s therefore crucial that you post quality content that is actually useful and adds value to your customers.

Blog posts are a great way to enhance the customer experience while building your SEO.  Here you can write useful information that helps to answer your customers questions or needs. This will not only improve your SEO but meets an unfulfilled need of a potential customer.

Write for your Audience and Not for Google

When writing SEO snippets for Google you want to include your keywords to help with your ranking position but this doesn’t mean stuffing your title with keywords giving you a title that makes no sense!

Of course, you want to please Google, but your audience is even more important and should always be number 1. Make sure you write for your audience. Write clearly, don’t make it harder to read than it should be. You want to share your information as smoothly as possible.

A meta description can influence the decision of the searcher as to whether they want to click through to your content from search results or not. The more descriptive, attractive and relevant the description, the more likely someone will click through and the better the experience is.

Use Internal Links to Help Readers Discover More Useful Content

Internal linking is connecting one of your website pages to another page of your website.  For example, here is an internal link to my blog post about ‘is your company customer focused enough’.    

Google uses links to find out what content on your site is related and the value of that content. Google considers pages with a lot of internal links as more important.  

In addition to SEO benefits, you can use internal links to help users navigate through your website and help them find additional content that may be relevant and therefore improve their overall experience.

But remember, don’t just use internal links for the sake of it. While you want the SEO benefits from internal links, you also want to focus on the customer experience.

Improve Site Speed

Your site speed is important. In fact, Google uses site speed as a ranking factor for your website.

In addition to SEO benefits, your site speed also has a significant impact on your customer experience and website engagement levels. Users quickly become frustrated by a slow website. According to 2018 research by Google, 53% of mobile users leave a site that takes longer than three seconds to load. 

Therefore, if you want to win at SEO, you have to improve site speed. And by improving site speed, you will also see better customer experience!

Make it Mobile Friendly

Your website needs to be mobile friendly for your users and for Google.

Google prioritises mobile page load speed as a key metric when determining your website’s search ranking. If your mobile website is slow or unresponsive, it comes with a hefty penalty to your overall ranking across all devices.

An easy to use mobile friendly site positively impacts Customer Experience. If users can’t navigate your site on mobile or can’t see the full page, they’ll simply leave.

In Summary…

If you’re still focusing your SEO efforts on building backlinks and adding keyword stuffed content, you need to rethink your SEO strategy. When used right, SEO can be a great customer experience tool.

SEO and Customer Experience work nicely together. Any step you take to improve SEO (creating helpful content, improving site speed, make your website more friendly) will have a positive impact on your customer experience.

If you’d like an audit on your SEO or simply just want to chat about ideas on how you can improve your customer experience to increase conversions then drop me an email – i’d be happy to help.

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